Due to weather the race slips by one day will be run on Sunday 17
Grigne Skymarathon, the only Italian stage 2023 of Skyrunner World Series will be run on Sunday.
The weather forecast for tomorrow would not allow the helicopter to fly and therefore the rescue men to guarantee the safety of the athletes; hence the decision to take advantage of the option of the second available date already budgeted by the organizing committee precisely for this reason: "Mindful of the 2021 experience we had reserved two dates so as to have a better chance of proposing the race in its original version - began the head of the organizing committee Alberto Zaccagni -.
Given the evolution of the weather and after a briefing with the mountain guides and rescue men, we decided to slip by one day. We are aware that this choice may cause some inconvenience to the athletes, but we also know that those who signed up did so to run a unique, mythical race with a high technical coefficient. By slipping by one day we will have the near certainty of guaranteeing athletes and public the passage in Grignetta and on Grignone."
Therefore, the program includes on Saturday afternoon the possibility of bib pickup from 2 to 5:30 p.m. (For those who fail it will also be open from 5:30 to 7:00 a.m. on Sunday). At 18:00 is instead scheduled the presentation of elite athletes.
Sunday morning the race will start at 7:30 a.m. The arrival of the first man is expected just after 12:00 p.m., while the awards ceremony will be held at 5:00 p.m. A grand final party will follow.
From the heart of Valsassina, 374 Sky runners (334 men and 40 women) will tackle 42km and 3600m d+ with passage to the 2184m of the Southern Grigna and the 2410m of the Northern Grigna. At stake are precious points in the Skyrunning World Series circuit, a pass for the legendary Kima Trophy and the prestige of completing one of the races that have made the history of this discipline. The event, proposed by Team Pasturo in collaboration with Falchi Lecco and GSA Cometa is supported by the Lombardy Region and several local authorities, will have as technical sponsor Scott Sport Italia supported by DF Sport Specialist. For more information and registration: www.grigneskymarathon.com THE ROUTE: TOWARDS THE RESINELLI TARGET ENERGY SAVINGS From the square in Pasturo (650 m), along Via San Calimero, follow a cartroad with trail marker No. 33 and follow it, ignoring the side branches, to the chapel dedicated to Maria Regina Pacis. At the next fork, turn left, facing a long stretch in the woods, until you meet the mule track that climbs from Colle Balisio. When you reach the junction with the Traversata Bassa trail, follow it in the direction of Piani Resinelli, which trekkers usually reach after a long but not strenuous walk (3-4 hours from Pasturo). A VERICAL STEP AND THEN SHOW.... Leaving the SEM Cavalletti Hut (1354 m) behind, we head toward the Alippi Hut, at the foot of the southwestern slope of the Grignetta. From here, following the Sentiero delle Foppe, we reach, Rifugio Rosalba (1730 m). We are in the heart of the Grignetta, in front of the walls on which generations of mountaineers, from Lecco and elsewhere, have climbed; spires and pinnacles, often bizarrely shaped, offer a breathtaking spectacle, complemented by views of the lake. Following the not-so-easy Cecilia trail, you exit onto the Cresta Cermenati and shortly after reach the summit of the Grigna Meridionale (2177m). ROAD TO VAL CASSIN, BOGANI & GRIGNONE... From the summit, with the help of a chain, rappel down the northern slope, take the Canalino Federazione, to be climbed with caution, and descend to the Buco di Grigna (or Bocchetta di Campione), from which, bending to the left, you head for the Rifugio Elisa (1518m), a nosedive that is not always easy. A beautiful path, in some sections equipped with chains and fixed ropes, leads to a fork between Sasso dei Carbonari and Sasso Cavallo (Val Cassina), historic walls overlooking Lake Como, and from here to Rifugio Bietti (1715 m). The next stop is Rifugio Bogani (1822 m), on the northern slope of Grignone, upon reaching it the ascent to the summit of Grigna Settentrionale (2409 m) begins. From Rifugio Brioschi, just below the summit, the second peak of the day appears, like a pleasant mirage. IT'S NOT OVER YET: the nosedive toward Pasturo begins along the steep eastern slope of Grignone until you reach Rifugio Pialeral (1320 m) and the small church of San Calimero (1499 m). From here it then descends to Rifugio Riva (1020 m) and then goes for a well-deserved round of applause in downtown Pasturo.